First off, let's prep your Raspberry Pi. The Johnson County Library MakerSpace has a comprehensive guide on how to do that: follow the instructions, then come back here.
sudo apt-get install nginx mysql-server
sudo apt-get install python python-pip python-dev build-essential git virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
git clone
mkvirtualenv lunchbox
cd lunchbox
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install
fab app
to generate a temporary version of Lunchbox for review.
From your Rasperry Pi, you can use an Web browser to connect to the local server at
to check Lunchbox. If everything looks like it's working, you can move on to personalizing Lunchbox for your org.
It's important to personalize Lunchbox before building it and hosting it on your server: settings are spread over several configuration files in the final installation, so doing it now will save you a lot of time. The configuration instructions for logos, URLS and contact information on NPR's repository will walk you through everything you need to do!
After customizing Lunchbox, fill in the server information for the destination server in
. We used the following settings:
is the same as our pi
user - FILE_SERVER_USER = 'pi'
FILE_SERVER_PATH = '~/lunchbox-pi'
If everything looks fine, you're ready for the final render and deployment.
file then turn off your virtual environment - deactivate
cd /home/pi
mkdir lunchbox-pi
workon lunchbox
cd lunchbox
fab fileserver master deploy
and type in the password for your Pi user accountdeactivate
in your pi
home folder if you haven't changed the PROJECT_SLUG
name in
- cd /home/pi/lunchbox-pi/lunchbox-test/
web server's hosting folder to use your customized Lunchbox - sudo cp -a /home/pi/lunchbox-pi/lunchbox-test/. /var/www/html/
You can visit your rendered Lunchbox installation from a browser on your Raspberry Pi at